Saturday 25 January 2014

Cell Structure

Activity : Cell Structure

Individual Work

1. Based on Image given below, fill in the table with the names and functions of the organelles that you are very sure ofUse green to fill in these fields. 

2. Fill in the table with the names and/or function of the organelles that you might be sure of. Use orange to fill in these fields. 


3. With a friend, discuss with your friend(s) [if you are working in groups of 3] and modify your existing answers. Once again, if both of you are sure,use green in these fields. If you are both somewhat sure, use orange. If you are confused and not sure at all, use red to fill in these fields. 

4. Carry out research and fill up the last column with your research. 

5. Upload the file to your online journal for reference. 

Organelle Name
Description of Organelle
Electron micrograph
Nuclear membrane
A membrane that separates the cytoplasm from the nucleolus.
To keep the chromosomes and chromatin within the membrane.
Nuclear pore
Hole-like structure
Let information of DNA go out to other parts of cell
a region in the nucleus where rRNA genes exist and are transcribed
produces ribosomal subunits

Contains DNA, which controls the cell’s activities by directing protein synthesis.
Contain digestive enzymes
Digest excess or worn-out organelles, food particles and engulf bacteria or viruses.
Also help repair worn-out plasma membrane.
Cell breaks down if lysosome explodes due to autolysis.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Isolate and transport proteins synthesised by attached ribosomes.
Proteins might undergo further folding within here
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
An interconnected network of tubes and vesicles and lacks ribosomes
Involved in the synthesis of proteins, fats, and steroids
Gel-like mixture surrounded by cell membrane
Contains organelles

Golgi Apparatus

Works closely with Endoplasmic Reticulum
Primary function is to process and package complex molecules such as proteins and fats that are made by the cell.
Brings these products to the surface of the cell where they can be secreted.
Other secretions include hormones, antibodies and enzymes.

Cell Membrane
it is thin, permeable and mostly flexible and stretchable
It does not have a fixed shape or size, of which is constantly changing
Partially permeable, allows some substances to move in and out. Compartmentalize. Prevent autolysis.

Membrane-bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste removal
Vacuoles might store food or any variety of nutrients a cell might need to survive. They can even store waste products so the rest of the cell is protected from contamination. Eventually, those waste products would be secreted from the cell
Second largest organelle with unique genetic structure
Energy-producing chemical reactions take place here
Each cell contains thousands of it, found on endoplasmic reticulum, & floating throughout the cell
Involved in the synthesis of proteins

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